Tuesday 30 September 2014

Offers Plus

Matthew I can't agree with you about the Guardian article about Terry Pratchet. Neil works very closely with Terry but I do not believe he has understood Pratchet.

Yes Terry is angry about the laws preventing him and others choosing when they end their lives, and up to a point I would agree with him,especially in the circumstances in which he finds himself. However I think his argument regarding Terry,s personality, and writing, does not equate to an angry man. Whenever I have seen Terry interviewed, he has come across as a pretty well balanced sort of chap, neither a cuddly white haired man, or a miserable angry man. Anyone as creative as he is needs a balance in his life.

Has everyone seen the latest Book People catalogue, a good one for offers. Hilary Mantel box set, a must, and I am taking up the chance to read a book recommended by Matthew, The five people you meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom, and his book Tuesdays with Morrie. Have you read the later Miff?

Been to Hedge End today to make use of some offer tokens. New Sports Jacket and trousers for Pete, and some woollies for me, managed a saving of £78 .

Attended the funeral yesterday of a gentleman who had been in the Amport Church choir when Pete first joined. He had had dementia for some time before he died aged 86. Dementia is such a cruel illness.

His granddaughter a women in her thirties spoke so beautifully and movingly about him. He obviously had meant so much to her. Even in the later stages of his life, she had been able to still see glimpses of the man he really was behind the dementia.   Lovely.

Monday 8 September 2014

About Time

I've just looked through my blogs and seen that one had not been published. So I've sent it, if you've seen it before, I apologise.

Had a crazy time lately. Most of the last few months have been geared up to creating a job spec. Sending a Parish Profile, and creating an ad for the Church Times. All to hopefully be able to find a Team Rector. Well a few weeks ago we were thrilled that our hard work had  produced five applicants . We shortlisted to four. The interview took place last week over two days. I'm pleased to say we made an appointment. This cannot be made public until, the Bishop gives it the green light, and police checks are complete. With any luck they will be able to be in post either by Christmas or early in the new year.

On a lighter note, I have started a new book. Hodder  and Stoughton, are publishing what they are pleased to call 20th Century classics. What should be on the list but "Green Darkness" a novel by Anya Seeton. A much loved novelist  of  Rose's. She introduced me to her way back in the 1970's.
Rose encouraged me to read the novel Katherine, now this is Anya Seetons best known book and a definite classic. A fantastic read.

We are looking forward to seeing family next weekend when we will help Harry and Oliver celebrate their birthday.
